GOTG: Official Locations

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sorted by Continent / Location Name

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BBB HQ (access all continents stamp)
@ BE - Bellisseria
@ BE - Bellisseria
stamp terminal a bit far from landing point (BelliHub/121/129/22)
Bellisseria Main (Events) Post Office
@ BE - Bellisseria
Zoo-Palooza 5: Hamanji
@ BE - Bellisseria
BBB Embassy to Corsica
@ CA - Corsica
BBB Embassy to CDS
@ CDS - Confederation of Democratic Simulators
BBB Embassy to Gaeta
@ GV - Gaeta V
BBB Embassy to Heterocera
@ HE - Heterocera
BBB Embassy to Zindra and Horizons
@ HZ - Horizons
BBB Embassy to Jeogeot
@ JE - Jeogeot
Jeogeot Post Office
@ JE - Jeogeot
BBB Embassy to Nautilus
@ NA - Nautilus
SLEC BBB My 1st Stamp for Newbies - Temporary PP Holders
@ PE - Private Estate
Social event area for SL Newcomers
BBB Embassy to Sansara
@ SN - Sansara
Sansara Post Office
@ SN - Sansara
BBB Embassy to Satori
@ ST - Satori
Satori Post Office
@ ST - Satori