Parade of Homes / OpenHomes Listing Application Form

V1.0 [SVN $Rev: 125 $] / Robert Rhodan"
Information Type required User data

a few words about what's special, your design ideas, ...

optimal: 1024x768 px / max-size 6 MB
if left empty: PoH - plz shoot a pic for me !
photo URL or
photo upload (png|jpg) or

optimal: 1024x768 px / max-size: 6 MB
if left empty: PoH - plz shoot a pic for me !
photo URL or
photo upload (png|jpg) or

if left empty: no further photos supplied
any such use of a Home or Parcel at Bellisseria has to comply with the Bellisseria Covenant set up by Linden Labs. All homes are non-commercial, non-profit, places of interest & entertainment provided by Bellisseria residents. No Marketplace Store links allowed. No tip jars or donation jars are allowed on your parcel. Security orbs must be turned off. Doors must be set to 'anyone' can open. All homes must have the 'open house' or 'place of interest' sign set in front of their Bellisseria homes. Listing homes are OPEN to the Public at all times while they remain on the list