Stamp Terminal Application Form (former SSA/SSAE)

V1.2 [SVN $Rev: 134 $] / A BBB Tool by Robert Rhodan
Information Type required User data

  • Location stamp: indefinite timespan, single-colored / no shading
  • or
  • Event stamp: defined timespan (see below), multi-colored
in case of event stamp: plz specify date range
  • Publication date in the Gazette is each Saturday.
    For events starting on Saturdays we will publish a week earlier.
  • Even as "normal" stamp client you are entitled to a free-of-charge
    promotion in the Gazette for any event you stage at your location.
    Contact Dave (Gazette editor) for this.
of stamp terminal deployment
of stamp terminal deployment
essential, but if not yet known leave the default value as is and supplement SLURL via NC to Robert Rhodan later

    Note: how to obtain your avatar UUID
  • Firestorm: Avatar=>Profile=>Key
  • SL-Viewer: Me=>Profile=>Bio tab=>Actions=>Copy Agent Id

  • or

input to Gazette announcement for "New Locations" article
  • BBB Design: plz suggest a stamp design for my approval
  • or
  • My own design: I have attached my own design below
  • photo URL
  • or
  • photo upload (png | jpg)
  • or
  • texture UUID (full perm)
transparent background
IMPORTANT: single-color and no shading for location "rubber-type" stamps / multi-color ONLY for event stamps
or or

  • photo URL
  • or
  • photo upload (png | jpg)
  • or
  • empty

optimal: 1024x1024 resp. 512x512 px / max-size: 6 MB
optional or

only in case a feedback email with the payload data is requested
otherwise leave empty and copy/paste from the acknowlege
page displayed after clicking Submit
The location for the stamp terminal is ensured to be non-commercial, and is not an adult-only area with explicit violence or sex.